# Project Airbus Airbus A320

This is an Airbus A320-200 of Thomas Cook Airlines Belgium, 10 Years Thomas Cook Airlines.

Repaint by : Mathieu Vos (APSS)
E-mail : aircraftpaintingservicestellendam@upcmail.nl
Site : www.aicraftpaintingservicestellendam.nl
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/AircraftPaintingServiceStellendam
Twitter : @A_P_S_S

Registration : OO-TCH
Model by : Project Airbus

## version

V2.1 - 11/10/2011

## installation

FS2004 : Extract the compressed file folder under your FS9 "Aircraft" folder.

FS X : Extract the compressed file folder under your FSX "SimObjects > Airplanes" folder.
and delete the follow folder out of the main folder "Project Airbus A320-200 Thomas Cook Belgium - 10Years Thomas Cook" : Model.CFM_200 and go to the FS X folder into the same folder, and copy the folders model.CFM_200, Panel and sound, to your main "Project Airbus A320-200 Thomas Cook Belgium - 10Years Thomas Cook" folder and your aircraft is compatible with FS X. go back to the FS X folder and copy the file in the effects folder to your main Effects folder of FS X.



## features

* idle-reverser animation
* animated pack vents and pressurisation outflow valve
* improved wingflex code with input from several new parameters including ground spoilers, fuel load, and angle of attack
* improved dynamic shine
* improved wing parts
* new antenna hiding method
* modelled engine innards, fan semi-transparent at high rpm
* custom fan animations (including fan windmilling)
* double strobes
* improved control surface droop w/engines off
* custom nose wheel steering code
* rudder influenced by wind during surface droop
* lots of other fixes and improvements

## doors operation

Select primary exit (Shift + E): L1
Select secondary exit (Shift + E + 2): L2
Tail hook up/down (not assigned to a key binding by default): Both cargo doors
Wing fold/unfold (not assigned to a key binding by default): R1, R2

## credits

the PA team: Demetris Themistocleous, Derek Mayer, Alexis Vletsas, Tom Collins, Nick Loh, John Tavendale and Gary Galea

Andy Warden, Peter Binamira, Thomas Ruth, Alessandro Savarese, Gianmarco Bettiol, Alexander Kvitta, Trevor Slack, Nicholas Wu, David Bromwich, Matthey Murray, Manny Osias, Spike Acenas, Mark Bolatete, Kester Masias, Sheldon Fernandes, Dickson Chan, Ben Jones

Copyright (c) 2011 Project Airbus.

The Project Airbus Airbus A320 is freeware; that is to say it comes at no cost, but you may not distribute this software package, with or without modifications, without our prior consent in writing.